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The Man Who Smiled [With Earbuds] (Playaway Adult Fiction)
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![The Man Who Smiled [With Earbuds] (Playaway Adult Fiction) The Man Who Smiled [With Earbuds] (Playaway Adult Fiction)](
Vorbespielter Audioplayer
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1441716211
ISBN-13: 978-1441716217
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,7 x 3,8 x 21 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.9 von 5 Sternen
5 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 9.494.161 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
Magical Mankell, this author of intriguing mysteries has, yet again, written a book that one cannot stop reading once one has started. At the beginning of the book Mankells main character, Wallander, is going trough an emotional crisis and has decided to resign from the police force. He returns because a friend is murdered after asking Wallander to look into his father’s death. The evolving story has all the addictive fascination of Mankells previous books.Written in style that is almost lyrical, one could possibly read the book for the pleasure of the prose alone. Sensuous, while reading I could almost feel the dull, chilly wet Swedish weather. I needed little imagination to sense the muddy fields or cold beaches.It is incredible, I think that I have read all the Inspector Wallander mysteries, but I have never come across two with the same plot. Many successful writers seem to find a theme that works and repeat it so that successive books become predictable. Not so Mankell, each book is an enjoyably unique.
Great Story and very binding ... if you know what I mean. Gave me a lot of joy during reading.
This slow 1994 thriller sees the return to work of chief inspector Kurt Wallanger (KW), 49, after a lengthy medical leave. He intended to sign his resignation into effect, but remorse about the recent murder of a man he used to know, makes him change his mind. Why remorse? Because he refused to help the man when he asked for it. Days later the man was murdered.Throughout the thriller KW is tired, depressed and irritable. He lives on coffee and fast food and sleeps badly. One cause of his Nordic gloom are his feelings of futility regarding his job: fewer crimes are solved in Sweden than almost anywhere else in Europe. Ever fewer uniformed police on the streets and more administrative staff at the station are the result of endless reforms whose main outcome is to achieve budget cuts. The unsolved 1986 murder of prime minister Olof Palme also weighs heavily on the force and KW's midlife crisis: how to carry on? Finally, there is the belief in Sweden, also in law enforcement, that business tycoons and their families to whom the country owes its wealth, are immune to committing crimes, and therefore sacrosanct, above the law.One such a mover and shaker, Alfred Harderberg, is the only person who could possibly have ordered the first murder. After slow and painstaking investigations KW and his team uncover more, apparently unrelated killings, and KW becomes a target himself. He also faces trouble from within the force in his efforts to confront the iconic tycoon.This thriller takes place in late 1993, not long before the internet and GSM revolution erupted. Google and countless other apps and devices key to police work today had not been invented or introduced yet. Still, Mankell predicts in this book that it is bound to become more dependent on electronics through keyboards, screens, CCTV, mobile phones and massive computing power. Mankell wrote this book in the age of the telephone booth when people still wrote letters to each other.Also, today thrillers with chapters of 25+ pages are widely considered unreadable; 6-8 page chapters is the norm now. Finally, Stieg Larsson must have thought: this can be done better. And he did.
Inspector Kurt Wallander returns for the fifth time in Henning Mankell's police procedural series set in Ystad, Sweden. In the first chapter, Gustaf Torstensson, a lawyer, is driving home after a meeting with his client. He sees a chair in the middle of the road and in the chair is a body. He can't tell if it's a real person or a dummy, so he stops to take a look. Exiting his car, he is hit on the back of the head and dies instantly.Meanwhile, Wallander is on sick leave for depression because he was forced to kill a man in his previous case. Convinced that his career is over, he drowns his misery in drink and plans to resign. Wallander is visited by his friend, Sten Torstensson, who is Gustaf's son. Sten explains that the police think that his father's death resulted from an auto accident, but he himself believes that his father was murdered. Wallander doesn't see any evidence that points to murder, but when Sten is found shot to death a few days later, he gives up his retirement plans and returns to the Ystad police station to take over the investigation of Sten and Gustaf's deaths.Suspicion centers on Alfred Harderberg, a powerful Swedish industrialist who employed Gustaf as his lawyer. The pace is slow as Wallander attempts to find evidence that will tie Harderberg to the murders. Along the way, there are a few other attempted murders that keep the story moving, but for which there are no rational motives. The ending is a little disappointing, with Wallander putting himself in a position that would never happen to a competent police officer. Although it's not as good as the previous books of the series, the writing and the Swedish noir atmosphere will still keep you turning the pages.
Wallander ermittelt wieder. Neben seiner persönlichen Lebenskrise ermittelt er und sein Team gegen einen Finanzhai wegen Anstiftung zum Mord. Viele Innenansichten von Wallander, viele Bürozusammenkünfte... Der Industrielle wird zuwenig charakterisiert, die Ermittlungsmethoden sind mehr als fragwürdig. Und das ungewohnt "actiongeladene" Ende erscheint einem doch sehr unglaubwürdig, Wallander gegen zwei Spezialkommandos... Jetzt muß ich wieder eine lange Pause einlegen, um mich wieder an einen neuen Mankell zu wagen...
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